

Children’s book

Children’s adventure novel, written by Lena Shane, dedicated to children aged 10 to 16.
Produced and released in the United States in 2008.

"The Histories of Music - Part 2"

Children’s book

This 127-page educational book presents different types of music, their history, and it teaches notions of music theory.

This project was launched and produced by the Al Bashaer School (Damascus, Syria) and its music teachers in 2009.

In addition, a CD collection was produced and distributed to students with this book.

The International Floral Exhibition

Children’s brochure

This brochure is a children’s story, presenting different kinds of flowers, their environments and their medicinal and environmental benefits, in a fun way.

This project was launched by the International Floral Exhibition and the Ministry of Tourism of Damascus, Syria in 2011. 

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